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Fuji 1855mm next to the 1655mm Photo Credit Dave Kai Piper Size Matters The first thing I noticed about the XF1655mm F28 R LM WR was the size It is quite a bit larger than its predecessor, the Fuji 1855mm "kit" lens I had just photographed my first wedding with my new Fuji gear and borrowed the 1855mm because the 1655 hadn't shipped yetWe're kickin' off our Fuji Lens Talk series with the best allarounders, the 1855 vs the 1655 1855mm Lighter, cheaper, has image stabilization1655mmFujifilm 1855 vs 1655 Which one should you get?

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The tech in the Jordan 13 included Zoom Air and a carbon plate While the performance technology has since been outdated, sneaker enthusiasts love the 13 for its street appeal, and it's been retroed frequently as a result One of the most popular is the Retro Flint from The Air Jordan 13 Light Blue is one of the newest iterations to land on the silhouette this year, and it's part of Jordan Brand's holiday 19 collectionJordan Zion 1 Men Shoes • Blue VoidUniv RedWhite £ Jordan Zion 1 Grade School Shoes • BlackMetallic GoldWhite £5799 Jordan Sky 1 Pre School Shoes • WhiteBlackUniversity Red £4499 Jordan Sky 1 Pre School Shoes • BlackAnthraciteVarsity Red £4499 Jordan 1 Mid Pre School Shoes £4499

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